6 Reasons Why You Should Choose a 6 Player VR Arena
Considering the abundance of immersive attractions that exist in the Location-Based Entertainment market, sometimes it can be rather difficult to decide what product may benefit your business and your customers.
Along the time, we’ve compiled numerous resources to help people see what Arkadia Virtual Reality Arena brings to the entertainment table, and in this article, I’m going to walk you through 6 (of the many) reasons a 6 Player VR Arena fits in your entertainment venue.

The Benefits of a 6-Player VR Arena
More Players, Extreme Fun
The 6-Player Virtual Reality Arena increases throughput and income by 50% compared to the 4-Player units, maximizing the social factor and adding a lot of commercial value. The attraction is family-friendly, yet highly engaging and competitive, and this makes it appealing to everyone. This means that while you get more people in, they are enjoying their experience much more because there’s a bigger group of people engaging and interacting with each other.
How about those times when only a group of 3 people come and the VR Arena is only half occupied?
We’ve got you covered!
You Don’t Lose Any Business with a 6-Player VR Arena
Arkadia VR Arena has introduced a new feature, that benefits all clients – Multiple Game Sessions at the same time
We looked at our current customer’s data and we understood that sometimes when people are visiting an FEC they can come in smaller groups and if they decide to play VR, operators can lose business by keeping the VR Arena occupied only by half.
Let’s say you have the 6-Player Arkadia VR Arena in your center and you have a couple that wants to play one game and a group of 3 friends that want to play another one, you can now have them play at the same time! This means that people won’t have to wait in line and you are maximizing the revenue and increasing throughput!
How does it help you?
Not losing customers
Not keeping your customers waiting
Increase the Throughput rate even more
Maximize the 6 Player Value!
VR Enhances the Customer Experience
Let’s say you have the 6-Player Arkadia VR Arena in your center and you have a couple that wants to play one game and a group of 3 friends that want to play another one, you can now have them play at the same time! This means that people won’t have to wait in line and you are maximizing the revenue and increasing throughput!
Arkadia VR is more than an Arena – it’s an experience! When the customer gears up with the VR headset they immerse into a whole new world, but that’s not enough. The key when it comes to a memorable experience is the VR content. Don’t you want the experience you’re offering to your guests to be entertaining? Don’t you want that world to look good, to be immersive? If you have bad content in VR is like trying to play bowling on a broken down lane, and this brings zero points to the guest experience that you want to create!
RELATED: Why Quality VR Games Turn a Virtual Reality System into a Great Investment!
Developing Virtual Reality experiences that are high-end is the key when it comes to Location-Based VR. The games have to be appealing to the public and profitable to location owners.
Plus, when it comes to a 6-Player VR Arena, the waves of laughter, thrills, screams of joy are a great attract mode for everyone passing through your center.
Amazing for Events
The 6-Player VR Arena is great for events because it’s fun for everybody. Arkadia suits a wide audience – kids and teens, adults, and even seniors. It’s all about that “good honest fun” for the entire family that just keeps coming back for more.
RELATED: Dive In More Deeply Into Choosing the Best VR Arena in Your Venue!
That’s why organizing events while having a VR Arena can be a huge double win! On one hand, you’re getting a higher ROI and your customers are getting their money’s worth through the memories and experiences they had!
Note: Right now, Arkadia is the only small-scale VR attraction with a 6 Player capacity. The best part about the 6-Player system is that it brings 50% more income than the 4-Player system. In those busy days and hours, that 50% will make a difference, and over time that difference will really add up.
The 6-Player VR Arena Requires 1 Operator
One of the beliefs behind developing this solution was that it has to be easy to manage and control by everyone! Although VR can be seen as more “high-tech” and may seem hard to use, this is probably one of the biggest myths about a VR Solution! With Arkadia VR Arena, the management platform is easy to use and set up! Have no worries about the operational aspect as the system requires only 1 attendee that receives 24/7 support from our team!
That’s all for today! Of course, there are many angles from which the benefits of a 6 Player VR Arena can be analyzed, but these are only 6 we’ve considered are the most important ones for any venue that wants to elevate their experience through a Virtual Reality Arena!
If you’ve found value in what I shared, or want to learn a little bit more, our door is always open for a chat! You can start right here!

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Social VR - Authentic Connection
Guest experience is a very important aspect every entertainment venue needs to consider, even more now in 2021. Adding a 6-Player VR Arena increases that social factor and creates an end-to-end seamless customer journey.
What that means, is that from the moment your customers enter the center, they notice the placement of the arena, the big screens, the VR game trailers, and how other people are playing. That’s the first step that follows the introductions to the overall experience. It’s just after they take the VR headset off and realize what amazing memories they have created. That’s why they share it with their friends. They come back for more. They talk about it on social media, and so on.
Arkadia is focused and dedicated to enhancing the guest experience and providing unique memories for your customers.