Attract, Engage and Entertain Guests!
Arkadia VR Arena can constantly accommodate 6 guests, running at 100% capacity with our multi-game sessions feature! An extensive game library with experiences for all ages!

2 groups can play VR simultaneously!
The VR system can constantly accommodate 6 guests, running at 100% capacity with only 1 operator needed!
40% More Game Sessions
Arkadia’s top locations are now recording an average monthly income between $29k – $38k since the Multi-Game Session was installed. That’s a 25-40% increase in the number of game sessions!
6 Players, Double Advantage!
The game-play is casual and easy to learn! Up to 6 guests to bond, compete and share a laugh together!
2 groups can play VR simultaneously!
The VR system can constantly accommodate 6 guests, running at 100% capacity with only 1 operator needed!
40% More Game Sessions
Arkadia’s top locations are now recording an average monthly income between $29k – $38k since the Multi-Game Session was installed. That’s a 25-40% increase in the number of game sessions!
6 Players, Double Advantage!
The game-play is casual and easy to learn! Up to 6 guests to bond, compete and share a laugh together!
What is Arkadia?
Arkadia VR Arena - See it in action!
24/7 premium tech support
We provide you with support, available at all times. Arkadia is easy to manage and it has a user-friendly interface and simple-to-use software. Every operator receives immediate support since we are available 24/7!
Dynamic attract mode
The enhanced 6 Player VR Attraction offers interactive show lights, a new futuristic operator control center, and an interactive attract mode to entice passers-by to play the game!
Only 1 operator needed
Arkadia VR Arena is easy to manage by only 1 operator while running at 100% capacity. The set-up of each game is very intuitive and easy to use by everyone!
The games
Check out our Virtual Reality Games!
Arkadia runs only exclusive content, propriety games, developed in-house. The games are high-quality, competitive and have a huge replay value.
WHAT IS Arkadia?
It's like nothing your guest ever experienced, and we have the reaction videos to prove it!
Talk to another operator about Arkadia!
Latest VR Report

Arkadia VR Arena Multi-Game Sessions
The following 1-year report for 2022 contains relevant data for the Location-Based Industry. Our analysis examines the average revenue and the number of players for each Arkadia VR Arena Unit currently in operation.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the technical requirements?
For the 6 Player Arena: 14.8 x 18.8 ft + 8.7 ft height / 4.5x5.75 m + 2.70 m height.
For the 4 Player Arena: 14.8 x 14.8 ft + 8.7 ft height / 4.5 x4.5 m + 2.70 m height.
Other than the space requirements Arkadia also needs a hardwired internet connection and 2 power outlets of 16A each. Very important, the installation site should be free of reflective surfaces like windows, mirrors, TV displays etc.
What kind of ROI can I get from Arkadia?
Arkadia can bring you ROI in 4 - 6 months, depending on the traffic that you have at your center.
How often do you release new games?
Our aim is to develop 2 to 3 new games every year. This depends a lot on each game, its complexity level, and its features.
How many operators does Arkadia need?
Arkadia is so easy to manage that it only requires one attendant. It also has a user-friendly interface and simple to operate control software.
Virtual Reality Resources
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